Luciferase (firefly)-2A-GFP (EF1a, Puro), Concentrated Lentivirus



Concentrated Lentivirus express luciferase II gene under the enhanced EF1a promoter. A GFP marker was co-expressed under the same promoter. Luciferase and GFP were bicistronically expressed as individual protein mediated by a 2A element.  A Puromycin antibiotic marker was expressed under RSV promoter, allowing to sort or select transduced cells for long-term expression via GFP signal or via Puromycin antibiotic (Dual selection).  GFP signal provides a convenient, real-time monitoring the particle’s performance.  

Particles was concentrated and buffer exchanged into PBS as in vivo ready status. See Product Manual for details (.pdf).

Amount:  200ul/per vial, at 1 x 108 IFU/ml in PBS. 

Cat#: LVP437-PBS