Top quality, Best price and Fastest turnaround time, with >15 year lentivirus experience!
Why use Gentarget’s Lentivirus Services?
- Take advantage of Gentarget’s extensive hand-on experiences in lentivirus system with many proprietary technologies;
- Ues the strongest prompter (suCMV) for the highest protein expression levels in mammalian cells;
- Select most advanced product features for Promoter, Fluorescent tag, Antibiotic selection for high virus titer;
- Fast turnaround time;
- Best quality and best price in the lentivirus fields;
Customized Over-Expression Lentivirus
We construct your target expression lentivector with your desired and produce the ready-to-use lentivirus in 1-2 weeks.
Your options with over-expression service:
- Promoter Selection: suCMV, optional inducible CMV, enhanced EF1a, or CAG;
- Antibiotic Selection: Blasticidin or Puromycin or Hygromycin or Zeocin;
- Fluorescent Selection: You can include the fluorescent marker fusion to the antibiotic selection (make it dual selection);
- Any Tags at either the N- or C-terminus;
- Fluorescent fusion marker: (GFP, RFP or CFP) fusion to target’s N-terminal;
- Bicistronic expression: where target and a fluorescent marker expressed under the same promoter as two separate proteins;
Schematic representation of gene expression Lentiviral vectors:

shRNA lentiviral services
We construct shRNA target knockdown lentivector by using either your provided shRNA or our designed shRNA sequences, for your genes of interest. We then generate each shRNA lentivirus (three target specific, one universal negative control), and ship you both the shRNA lentivector plasmid DNA (5 ug/each x 4) and the ready-to-use shRNA lentivirus (0.5 ml/each x 4). Time Line: 2 weeks
Your options with Knockdown lentivirus service:
- You choose the shRNA lentivectors with desired promoter and selection marker (see the vector map scheme below)
- You provide the target shRNA sequence or just the target ID to which we design its specific shRNAs.

Note: Knockdown validation is not included in this service, but if you order 3 shRNAs for one target, we guarantee either at least one shRNA showing >75% knockdown or a knockdown level of >75% by using the pooled three shRNA lentiviruses.
Signal reporter lentivirus services
We construct the lentivector by sub-clone your desired promoter into our promoter-less lentivector, and deliver you the ready-to-use lentivirus.
Your options with signal report lentivirus
- You choose the signal reporter type and selection marker(see the vector map scheme below) ;
- We sub-clone your promoter sequence into our lentivectors;
- We deliver the high titer, ready-to-use lentivirus to you ;

miRNA expression and anti-miRNA lentivirus services
We construct an anti-miRNA lentivector and produce ready-to-use lentivirus for inhibition of any miRNA listed in the miRBase database, or any your desired miRNA. You simply select the miRNA you want to inhibit, and we deliver the order within 7-10 business days.
click HERE for more details. See the miRNA expression lentivector scheme below.
CRISPR / Cas9 lentivirus services
Gentarget provide pre-made CAS9 expression lentivirus with different antibiotic / fluorescent markers, and design and construct gene specific guild RNA lentivectors (gRNA lentivectors), then produce ready-to-use targeting gRNA lentivirus for gene knockout, and optionally synthesize the single-strand or double-stranded loci specific repair insert or knock-in cassette for gene editing. See gRNA lentivector core map scheme below. You will receive (1) expression ready humanized CRISPR/Cas9 lentivirus, (2) a set of ready-to-use target gRNNA lentivirus, (3) when requested, the repair / knock-in / mutation / of DNA cassette or single strand repair DNA oligo. click HERE to see details about our CRISPR / CAS9 products.

How to place a lentivirus service order?
Simply send in your inquiry details via Contact us via online form , or Email or Phone (1-858-6788683) for a service quote.