What is Histone H2B?
Histone H2B is one of the 4 main histone proteins involved in the structure of chromatin in eukaryotic cells. It has high level of positive charged amino acids at cellular pH, which allows it to bind negatively charged phosphate in DNA. It condenses chromatin to form a 30nm fiber, packaged in the nucleosomes.
Chromatin can be marked by the fluorescent protein that fusion to Human Histone H2B, which provide a tool for Visualization of Chromatin in live cell. It provides a descriptor of cell position, division, and death, and live image cellular dynamics over time.

Gentarget’s Products for Visualization of Chromatin
Gentarget developed lentivirus products that express the fusion of “Fluorescent marker-Histone H2B” with different color, Red Fluorescent Protein (CAT#: LVP444-R, LVP444-RB), Green Fluorescent protein (CAT#: LVP444-G), or Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CAT#: LVP444-C). Those products allow high-resolution chromatin imaging of both mitotic chromosomes and interphase chromatin, and the latter revealed various chromatin condensation states in live cells. It can directly observe the Double Minute Chromosomes (DMs) in living cells without compromising nuclear and chromosomal structures.
Fluorescent label provides a convenient tool to visualize the protein of interest within a cell by either fluorescent microscopy or time-lapse video capture. Visualizing live cells without disruption allows researchers to observe cellular conditions in real time. Gentarget developed many lentivirus product series with different color of fluorescent tag for visualize subcellular proteins (Fluorescent Fusion Lentivirus products), or for subcellular structure / organelle imaging (LocLight Sub-Cellular labeling Lentivirus products).